Springing into Action

Springing Into Action

Spring is in the air. Can you feel it?

We certainly have caught Spring Fever at AustinUP! Spring is a time for renewal and, for AustinUP, a time to spring into action. We have been operating in a remote world for going on two years and know that social isolation for all ages is unhealthy. This can be especially true for older adults.

AustinUP is ready to return to in-person events and excited to have you join us over the coming months. Our 50+ Job Fair Series resumes on April 6 and we are looking forward to connecting job seekers with employers, face to face. We hope that this event will allow AustinUP to be more active while also providing an opportunity for others to engage. Please join us or share with job seekers you know!

We are also finalizing details for a very important event in May. Age My Way will be a vehicle to obtain and share feedback from older adults on topics such as making technology work for you, aging the way you want by staying in your home, and learning what businesses you use and how they can improve in the service they provide. Watch your email for details!

Please spring into action with AustinUP and join us in our upcoming events. We look forward to seeing you!

— Cyndi Cummings, Board President, AustinUP