Aging Our Way!

Every May, the Administration for Community Living (ACL) leads the nation’s observance of Older Americans Month. In 2022, the theme was “Age My Way,” an opportunity for all of us to explore the many ways older adults can remain in and be involved with their communities.

AustinUP celebrated this event on May 19, and what a great day we had! Our Age My Way event kicked off as guests arrived for breakfast and visited with our sponsors and exhibitors about opportunities to enhance their lives. We then heard from featured speaker Beth Broderick, who entertained and enlightened us with her engaging presentation, “How to Get Older Without Really Trying.” Janee Briesemeister, Chair of the City of Austin’s Commission on Seniors, provided an overview of the Age-Friendly Austin Plan, and copies of the plan were distributed to all.

Guests then moved into the first of three breakout sessions, led by expert moderators Kim Barnes, Ani Colt, and Bruce Kravitz. The interactive questions – focusing on technology, housing, and business practices – provided opportunities for guests to give their valuable input on items that could make Austin a more Age-Friendly City. After lunch, the breakout sessions continued, and we were very happy to have our sponsors join in and provide their input, as well.

Did we mention that these sessions were also held in a virtual format? During each topic, virtual attendees were able to join via Zoom, ask questions, and provide feedback.

Many thanks to AARP and The Cummings Home Team for serving as our premiere sponsors, and to Brush Country Nursing and Rehab, CaptionCall, Lakeline Oaks, Longleaf Bee Cave, Oasis Senior Advisors, Sodalis Senior Living Austin, and Westminster for supporting this event.

P.S. We invite you to check out and subscribe to Beth Broderick’s column on Substack for continued entertaining insight!  You can also view photos from the event on our Age My Way webpage.