Author: AustinUP

What will it mean for us all to grow up, live and age in a society where half the citizens are over the age of 50? Never in human history has this been our reality. And it’s not just Americans.  Europe, China, Japan — we are an aging globe. It’s new and it’s not temporary — this is a permanent historic transformation.

Coming of Age in Aging America is a PBS documentary broadcast, multi-platform media and public engagement project that urges a national conversation about our new reality.  Check out this important “Big Idea in 4 Minutes” video below and learn more here.

WHY do we have such punitive attitudes toward old people? Granted, the ancients did hideous things to elders who were unable to work but still needed food and care, but in more recent times, that had changed: In 18th-century New England, it was common for people to make themselves seem older by adding years to...

Many of the boomers who defined their generation in technology, entertainment, media, politics and fashion will be turning 60 in 2015. Here, we highlight 10 trailblazers who made their mark and continue to do so through teaching, philanthropy, activism and inspiring second acts. Read more at

This summer, a friend called in a state of unhappy perplexity. At age 47, after years of struggling to find security in academia, he had received tenure. Instead of feeling satisfied, however, he felt trapped. He fantasized about escape. His reaction had taken him by surprise. It made no sense. Was there something wrong with him?...

Old age creeps up on us all – if we're fortunate. Our tendency, however, is to shunt that inevitability toward the dark, murky recesses of our thoughts: Out of sight, out of mind. That attitude, perhaps, applies doubly to the LGBT community, where there tends to be an emphasis on pretty, young things and happy,...